
The Hebrew School is a great source of pride for the Jewish Centre of Bay Shore. The students represent “l’dor va’dor”, the next generation.

Al & Shirley Beja
Centre for Jewish Learning

School hours:
                        Please contact for information

We offer something for everyone. Our Temple Tots program is a one Sunday per month program. We cater to all children under the age of five. Parents of newborns are encouraged to attend with their children as a way to meet other parents. Our one day a week Sunday school program meets every Sunday and is designed for 5-6 year olds. This program is a wonderful introduction to our 2 day a week Hebrew School program. Once the children turn 7-8 year olds (depending on their birthday and level of progress) it is our intent to move them to our 2 day a week program. It is in this program where the level of study can lead to a bar or bat mitzvah.

Our staff is warm, caring and dedicated to giving your child the best possible Jewish education. We are fortunate to have staff members on our team who are experienced with special needs children. We are a no child left behind religious school.

Please remember our Hebrew School is TUITION FREE for all members.

Please call the center office for more information. 631-665-1140.